Saturday 30 June 2012

How to do Quiet Time?

Quiet time (QT) is a time of quietness that a we can spend in the presence of God. It’s one of the spiritual disciplines of the child of God. Children of the Lord need to desire this communion. QT is not only a time to pray and make appeals before God, but also read through the word of God to listen/understand what God is teaching us. We cannot expect to have a good/close relationship with someone if we do all the talking and don't listen, therefore we must take time to LISTEN to our God, through His word speaks to us by means of the Holy Spirit.

The dictionary meaning of listening is: 
1. to give attention with the ear 
2. to pay attention; heed 

To listen to God will include being a receptive, attentive listener and willing to take advice or obey what is heard. Most people hear but few listen. Active listening takes a conscious effort. Jesus said the sheep know the shepherds voice and follow (John 10:3). A personal relationship with the shepherd (John 10:9) is the first step in listening. Sin can become a blockage in hearing God’s voice: confess your sins and set right with God. If there is someone you have not forgiven, release forgiveness and be set right with men. Numerous scriptures beckon us to draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith because of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins (Hebrews 10:22).  In order to listen to God make yourself available by setting aside a regular time each day in a quiet place. Jesus told us to ask, seek, and knock and he would respond (Matthew 7:7).

Why Quiet Time is required
Have you seen the advertisement of Boost, the tag line for the Boost is: "Boost is the secret of my energy", lol, in the same way, Q.T is the "secret of energy" for a christian’s daily life. It gives us the strength for the day. Christian life is a battle against sin (Eph 6:12). Regular QT provides an opportunity for systematic bible study and prayer and equips us to battle against sin and temptations. The word of God is the milk for spiritual growth (I Pet 2:2). A child of God should earn for God's word as a child craves for milk. Jesus practiced solitude in order to commune with God and to give himself fully to others. He inaugurated his ministry by spending forty days alone in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11). Before He chose the twelve he spent the entire night alone in the desert hills (Luke 6:12). When the twelve had returned from a preaching and healing mission, Jesus instructed them “come with me by yourselves to a quiet place”(Mark 6:31). As he prepared for His most holy work, Jesus sought the solitude of the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26; 36-46). Jesus sought solitude and so it should be for us. Many of us can’t stand being alone. We need to ask ourselves why this is so? Many of us are afraid to face ourselves and the realities of life, so the tendency is to keep ourselves busy, which is escapism and not a solution. In Isaiah 30:15 we read, “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength”. Quietness builds our inner strength to face life.

When to do Quiet Time

We see in the bible that Abraham (Genesis 19:27), David (Psalm 5:3) and Jesus himself (Mark 1:35) spent time with God early in the morning. The best time for Q.T is early in the morning. “To rise early for QT will make you healthy in mind wealthy in soul and wise in your dealings.” But there is no hard and fast rule in this matter; each individual can plan convenient time for QT.

How to do Quiet Time
Have a systematic reading of the bible for systematic spiritual growth. To begin with select a portion from a book of the bible. For beginners gospels will be easier. Begin with a prayer that the Lord may speak to you through His word (Psalm 119:18). Read the passage several times and meditate over it. The following questions will help your thinking

  1. Is there a new thought about God Himself?
  2. Is there a command for me to obey?
  3. Is there a promise for me to claim?
  4. Is there an example for me to follow?
  5. Is there a sin in me to forsake?
  6. What new thing have I learned today?   

Pray over the scripture passage that you have read. The response to the above questions will help you to have a meaningful time of prayer. Your prayer may include a time to worship and thank God for who He is and His blessings you have experienced. Confess your sins, and ask God for help. Remember the promises and holding on to it, and asking God to help in following godly examples. Taking warnings from the Word of God and committing your life to obey His words.

Take genuine effort to apply the things you have learnt in your daily life because Christianity is a way of life. All our efforts will be in vain if we miss this vital factor. Time with God changes ones life, motives, relationships, priorities and so on. We develop a Christian mind and grow into Christ likeness in our daily life. Satan hates to see someone sitting at Gods feet, so he will see to it that your QT is opposed every day. It calls for commitment and discipline to continue in this daily discipline. The Holy spirit daily reminds and helps us in fighting against satanic schemes. If you happen to miss your QT you needn’t feel guilty. But we need to take an effort to maintain our time with God.

“When we see a tree with green leaves and fresh fruits we marvel at it, but the secret of freshness and fruitfulness is its root, which is often unrecognized”

Quiet Time is the secret of a Christian’s fruitful life.